
Thursday, December 11, 2014


My husband is the best! I know you've heard that about a million times from a million different people...but really, he is the best. I feel like I am always asking him to express how he feels about me but I am never expressing how I feel. So here are some things I LOVE about Logan. 

He is patient (far more than I am) 

He is the kind of person who if you name a restaurant he could tell you exactly what he is going to order

He loves to help others

I have never met anyone who doesn't like him

It is rare for him to make impulse decisions (I on the other hand...) 

He is really handsome, but doesn't act like it!

He could have a full conversation in movie quotes, and I would have no idea what is going on

He does the dishes and laundry without me asking but when I need help the most

He gets up with Ben, almost every night...this started after I stopped breastfeeding but when people have asked him about this he says "Well, she has to do it all day." 

He enjoys being with his family both immediate and extended 

He is really funny

I could go on and on, but these are just a few that come to mind today. I am so happy God gave me Logan. Especially when I am tired and worn out...

Love Always,

1 comment:

  1. So sweet. You AND Logan. Especially the part about him getting up with Ben at night, and what he says! :) ~Chelsea
