
Friday, March 28, 2014

    When you have a baby suddenly going out into public becomes an event like none I've ever experienced. Not only does it take about 20 extra minutes to get out the door, but when you get out into that big world (where people smell clean and look put together) then you have the random people who want to comment about your baby…so here's a few comments I've heard: 

Awwwwe is that a baby?! (while looking at the car seat, I mean what else is it going to be??) 
LOOK AT THE BABY OMG LOOK HOW CUTE!!! (lady if you wake him up with your baby talk I'm going to make you ride in the car for 20 minutes until he falls asleep again)

How old is he?! (um hold on let me do the math, what day is it again? ) 

Is it a boy or a girl? (does he have pink on? no) 

Then there is the sweet comments like: "Awe such a handsome man" or "Look at that sweet face" all in  a calm voice, you know they have kids! 

In all fairness most everyone are super sweet but I definitely have learned what not to do around new babies, things I was totally oblivious to before. I do have to admit I have gotten better about the "what ifs" like what if he poops? what if he wakes up? what if he cries? …really he's a baby and if people stare they stare! My favorite is when they stare while I am wearing the moby wrap. Some day I am going to go into full out dance mode, pop, lock and drop it style, and really give them something to look at! 

I also find myself buying things "for Ben" for example the movie Frozen and possibly the soundtrack too…

I have been doing some redecorating as well. I love decorating and have found a way to "recycle" things around the house using spray paint to give it a new look or rearranging picture frames. Some day I will be the next Ty Pennington! 
Logan has been doing training lately making for late nights. I am so grateful for the new friends I have made here. Lunch and dinner dates with my sweet friends definitely make those long day and nights go by faster. It is finally starting to feel like home here in Georgia.

Love to all…until next time

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