
Wednesday, January 21, 2015


This time of the year is always rough for me. Mainly because at the end of the month is the anniversary of my father's passing.  I try to remember the memories not the memories I wish I had. Of him holding Ben, him seeing our wonderful home and the list goes on...

Grief is a strange thing to talk about and everyone talks about it differently. For me I either 1)Cry, just ugly face cry or 2) I don't talk about it
I have to say I have experienced a lot of grief with my family and I can recognize things that help me, maybe they will help you too?

Walks: just get out of the house! I am lucky the weather is nice here in GA
Food: I find comfort in great tasting food, making and eating it
Friends: I went to the park with a friend the other day and it was the best "distraction"
Family: making new memories and remembering to laugh

With Logan gone nights it has been hard to distract myself, but I am beyond blessed to have the memories I have with my Dad, he was a great one!

1 comment:

  1. You had me in tears at "I try to remember the memories, not the memories I wish I had." Love you friend! (And holy hottness, what a stunning picture.)
