
Saturday, July 30, 2016

These are the moments

As we are transitioning from the army life to back home, I have a rush of emotions. We are living on base right now in a small house but it's perfect. I love having just what I need. My little family and a roof over our heads. I love having more time to just sit and be us. Last night we watched a movie (by we I mean Logan and I while Ben watched maybe a half hr of it) and for the first time ben got his own bowl of popcorn. Now this may seem little but to me it meant a lot. He's growing up, our family is growing up.

I feel like it is happening before my eyes and some days I just want to hold on to every moment I can.  Life that is, it is happening and I can't do anything to stop it. I cannot believe my first baby is two and a big brother. I cannot believe I will be married four years this December. Or that I just had my last babies.

As I watched Ben read to "the babies" as he calls them...I couldn't help but think "these are the moments" the moments I will look back on when I'm 80 sitting on my front porch remembering life. I love how I have this precious time to spend with my babies. I love that God gave us this tiny on post house and transition period. I so needed it. I needed life to slow down, even for a month, before we move on.

I love since having the girls my anxiety of parenting a toddler has quieted. For example ben spilt apple juice tonight and promptly announced " I clean up!" grabbed my decorative kitchen towel (it's white) and began wiping the dirty floor. This would make me cringe usually but tonight, I encouraged it. I mean seriously how awesome that he knew to do that and that I didn't have to?!

Life is too short and I love this time I have to really enjoy my kids while they are little. Before I know it I will be looking back and smiling at all the memories made.

These are the moments.

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