
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Time goes by so fast...

 It's been over a year since I was gifted a scrapbook kit for Ben's baby album (great gift by the way, thanks Aunt Pam!). So I decided try it out, since my now one year old can semi-entertain himself. I started with a page for my pregnancy. I think it's great to look back and see life as it used to be then and I hope Ben will too someday. Here's a pic (ignore the mess and my awkward leg)...

So I don't know if you know this about me but I am a hoarder, well not TLC worthy but I hoard anything that could possibly have meaning. The card is one I sent Logan while he was deployed as are the pictures. I love that everyone has a story, and I love hearing those stories. I realized as I am scrapbooking that I have a large part in making Ben's story, I have the responsibility of raising him. Maybe one day I will be the reason he loves chocolate chip pancakes or watching a thunderstorm come in...how crazy is that?! 

Something I heard over and over again when I first had Ben was "Time goes by so fast, enjoy it!" I used to think, "How do I enjoy no sleep and spit up in my hair?" But now I see what they mean. As I watch Ben daily and am reminded what a little person he is becoming I want time to slow down, I want to enjoy every bit of it I have left while he's little. It is SO so easy to get caught up in the sleep deprivation or the temper tantrums but I too have become that person who says "Time goes by so fast.." 

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