Here's the thing about mom groups. They are great. It gives you time to talk to other moms and usually let your littles get so worn out that by the time they get home they crash. Can anyone say nap?! Amen to that. However, sometimes the lovely littles just don't understand. Let me share a recent experience.
It's summer, my kids slept in, I took a shower, I was feeling pretty good. When I realized it was Thursday and there was a Mom's group, I thought, even better. Got all the kids dressed, packed the bag with snacks, extra clothes, toys, more snacks and the kitchen sink. Off we went. I was so excited to walk in with actual make up on my face and my kids halfway decent.
Fast forward 20 min. I hear shrill cries and my three year old has started to get in a fight over a silly object that I know there were multiple of, but he just HAD to have that one. Strike one. I thought we had recovered but another 30 minutes went by and again something happened. Then the flip of the switch, my normal decently behaved child turned into the "I want monster" Strike three came and we went to the bathroom because I refuse to completely embarrass my child in front of everyone and he had a choice go home or straighten up. He chose straighten up with words, not with actions though. So we pack up and left after maybe an hour.
So the moral of this story. Mom groups are great however we are all moms raising littles. In public places that is a learning experience for our kids. I will be the first to remove myself from the situation if it is not helping anyone. I know my kid, I know myself. If I do not leave on strike three then you will see mean frustrated mommy. Although you may want to see this, it's not going to happen. I have to be an example for my kids and after all I chose to stay at home and raise them. Best mom advice for in public "Just Leave." If its too much for you or your child no matter how much you planned to have adult interaction that day, the lesson of teaching your little one is far more important.