
Tuesday, March 15, 2016

My Girls

So I thought I was really clever making a hashtag #mygirls on instagram for all things twins. Logan then informed me after clicking on it the pictures were mostly college sorority girls. We will just over look that little flaw in the 'tag'

I did want to update since finding out it's two GIRLS! How things are going...

This pregnancy has been so different than the first for more reasons than one. Not just the fact that I have a toddler to chase and a husband home/not deployed. I also mentally am in a different state. I am much more "into" the whole process of the birth. With twins some automatically think c-section (which I may have to have) but there are options. It is a scary thing to fall into but I am thankful for the "least risk" as far as twins go.

I start interviewing doulas this week and oh my, where do I even start? I feel like last time I just thought whatever happens happens and that is that. Although I had a great experience (I mean as great as pushing a baby out can be) Looking back there are things I should've known or said.

My attitude is a lot better as far as pain goes this time around. I did have a rough first trimester losing around 20lbs so at this point anything is better than going through that. I just feel like once you become a mom the little things are just...little. For example, sitting in a prenatal yoga class listening to first time pregnant moms about their worries and fears I just thought to myself "oh honey, you have no idea" I do miss that stage of innocence, I guess you could call it. Don't get me wrong being a mom is amazing but its also exhausting and if I could go back to my first pregnant self I would say "You enjoy the endless netflix and sleeping in. Bored, great...it may be the last time you say that for awhile."

Other things that will be different...we are keeping the names a secret. That's right mom no hints no nothing! I love names and this will more than likely be my last pregnancy so we are having fun with it.