Wow! Has it already been two months?! Feels like yesterday I found out I was pregnant and I still cannot believe I have a son sometimes. Crazy. I wouldn't trade being a mom for anything. This weekend I was busy busy busy taking pictures and running errands so Logan spent a lot of time with Benjamin. Most of which was "male bonding" over the xbox but hey it still counts right? He is such a good daddy and I have fallen more and more in love with him after watching him with Benjamin.
Back to the xbox…so I wanted to get Logan a game to surprise him, well they didn't have the game for his 360 but did for the new xbox one... so I came home with a xbox one. Which to say it lightly Logan LOVED. Well this xbox one world is new to me, and the whole idea of talking to the xbox sort of still freaks me out. Although I like to talk to Logan like he talks to his xbox, for example "LOGAN OFF" or "LOGAN GO HOME" for those of you who actually have one and know what I mean…Logan is not as amused. Dinner plans have also been made through xbox live with our friends the Bigelow's …again whole new world.
Other than that I have started a mom "bootcamp" shout out to Jessica Farmer for leading it! I am beyond excited for the results and have become more motivated to eat healthier for not only me but my family. Also if I come out at the end of a month with a 6 pack that wouldn't hurt either.
Love to all…until next time